Greenhouses Kenya

Greenhouses Kenya
Exact Locations: Nairobi, Naivasha, Nakuru, Athi River location, Karen, Mt. Kenya area

Farm Type: Flower farms, vegetable greenhouses, nursery plants

Crop Type: Roses, Summer Flowers, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Peppers, Melons, Okra, and an assortment of other flowers, crops vegetables, and fruits

Water Source: Lake Naivasha, various reservoirs and boreholes

Size (hec./m2): Between 8-20 Hectares per project – Industrial Scale Projects

Features: Plastic greenhouses, Trellising, Climate Control functions, Drip Irrigation, Fertigation, and Media Growth

Client: Kordes Project, Home Grown, Athi River Farm, Kenya Cuttings Farm, Karen Roses